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Granti: Revolutionizing Grant Management in Animal Advocacy

Written by Gabrielė Bernotaitė | December 16, 2023

Whether you’re an animal advocate or a funder of the cause, you most probably know that navigating the world of grants can be a hassling experience. Grantees often grapple with tracking applications, updating financial information, and managing ongoing communications with funders. On the flip side, funders face their own set of challenges, such as accessing grantee information and managing applications across multiple platforms. This is why we’re excited to introduce Granti – a game-changer in the realm of grant management.

A One-Stop Funding Portal

Granti.org is a comprehensive tool designed to streamline the grant management process for both grantees and funders. This platform offers a plethora of innovative features:

Dashboard Delight

Grantees and funders can enjoy a dashboard that showcases monthly spending statistics, average grant sizes, pending applications, and recent interactions. This centralized system simplifies tracking and decision-making.

Customized for Every Funders Needs

Funders have the flexibility to tailor their grant process according to their specific needs. This includes choosing the forms used, scheduling email communications, managing funding processes, requesting updates, obtaining signatures, setting application statuses, and assigning responsibilities for each application. This approach allows funders to craft a unique experience for grantees throughout the grant journey.

Features for Everything, and Anything

Custom tags on grant applications enable users to sort and organize grants and applicants by various criteria, such as the nature of the work, the size of the grant, or the stages of the workflow. This feature allows funders to publicly display their grants, enable comments for interactive engagement, personalize payment information, and upload relevant documents.

With options to export and backup data in Excel formats, managing and analyzing grant-related data becomes more straightforward, secure, and efficient.

Such capabilities contribute to a grant management environment that is both transparent and collaborative, enhancing the overall process for both funders and applicants.

Building a Collaborative Future

Our vision extends beyond simplifying processes. We aim to foster collaboration in the animal funding sector by introducing features that promote shared applications, co-funding opportunities, and simultaneous applications to multiple funders. Granti is designed to be a collaborative tool for all funders in the animal advocacy space to interact and work together. This not only saves time but also broadens the scope for funding and advocacy.

For those who have experienced the complexities of applying for or funding grants, Granti offers a breath of fresh air. It's a platform where passion meets practicality, helping advocates and funders exchange resources seamlessly.

A Tool for the Community

While Granti is designed for internal use within the animal advocacy movement, its impact is far-reaching. In its developmental stage, it has already facilitated the distribution of millions in grants in just the past 6 months. We are proud of this milestone and excited about the future.

Join Us on This Journey

If you're a grantmaker or funder in the animal advocacy space looking for an efficient way to manage your grant processes, Granti is here for you. Contact us to be a part of this transformative journey. Streamline the grant management process and focus on what truly matters – advocating for animals.

About the Author
Gabrielė Bernotaitė

Gabrielė is the voice behind the content coming from both Vegan Hacktivists and Violet Studios. She helps organizations help animals by equipping advocates with more knowledge and skills in communications and social media. With a background in comms and previous involvement in campaigns that heavily relied on mobilizing public support, Gabrielė swears by easily understandable and reader-oriented communication.